
How Much Cash Do I Need?

This is a question we've been getting over at LawLeaf Answers! To get a better understanding of how much money our lenders are willing to loan you must first figure out how much money you need. When applying for a lawsuit cash advance with any company you must take into consideration that most companies will not fund your case if you've already received a lawsuit loan from another company. We have in the past gotten second rounds of funding for our clients but that happens rarely. Figuring out the net worth of the case will determine how much money a lawsuit funding company will advance. The higher the value of the case the more money you may request.

Before requesting an amount consider the following:
  • How much longer before a settlement is reached?
  • What is the value of your case?
  • If the settlement takes longer than expected will you require a second round of funding?
  • What are your monthly expenses and how much money will you need to stay afloat?
  • What is your future finanical situation?
  • Are you losing wages from being out of work and if so how much money do you have in reserve to help pay for expenses before a settlement is reached?
Most people that use lawsuit funding as a financial option are concerned about their finanical status and typically need money to help pay for expenses. The amount of money you request may be a combination of different factors that relate to your financial status. For those people that have lost a job or wages perhaps they request more money to help them get by until their case has settled. For those clients that need money for car repairs and entertainment expenses perhaps their request may be lower.

No matter your situation prior to signing a contract for lawsuit funding you should have worked out exactly how much money you anticipate is needed to help you get by while waiting for your case to settle.

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